6 holistic therapies for emotional trauma - 2021 | Simple techniques to break up stagnant energy.

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What's up, everybody? In this video, I will talk about 6 holistic therapies to clear emotional trauma. Stay tuned.

Hey, if you're new here, I'm Marilyn. And on this channel, I talk all about fusing mindset practices, holistic therapy, and astrology for chronic illness and beyond. And if that is where your heart is, I knew you would find me!

Untreated Trauma

What happens when trauma impacts your system? And why does emotional trauma linger in our bodies, in our minds and start to affect the world around us? Did you know that any trauma left untreated can have a serious impact on your current and future health? The physical and emotional triggers can leave you wide open to serious health implications.

According to Harvard medical school research, trauma left untreated can lead to heart attack, stroke, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. And this risk increases with every event that is starting to stack in your body left untreated. So, where is this trauma stored? Your brilliant brain, that is!

Your mental supercomputer, AKA your brain, carries the emotional responses, the triggers left behind from every event. Your supercomputer has recorded fragmented clips of the traumatic event, as well as sensations and memories. They are all stored inside your brain. And the more that these clips or these memories continue to cycle in that beautiful brain, the more stress and an increased risk of becoming physically ill.

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6 Holistic Therapies

So what to do, what to do, the great news is you can start right now! Begin to take that power back and heal yourself naturally from the inside out because whole-body wellness is well, inclusive of your whole body. By calming the body's response, you can begin to tap into yourself's emotional and mental elements that require healing.

The best part of holistic health is you can begin today! And you could start naturally. You have all you need inside to begin to connect mind and body. There is no need to suffer in silence. You are definitely not alone.

The leading cause of disability today is depression. That lets me know that we are deep inside our minds and emotions, affecting change. So, where do you even start.? There are many holistic therapies to begin, but here are six to get you started!

Meditation & Yoga 

First up, Meditation and yoga. I put these two together because I feel they absolutely go hand in hand, even if it is basic yoga stretches. Learning to control mind and body together is only going to provide you with some remarkable results.


Next, we have mindfulness. A daily practice in which you are highly aware of what you're feeling and sensing without judgment; just being mindful of every step throughout your day can provide some great clarity and great focus. Mindfulness.

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy, a soft tissue massage, can begin to break up stagnant energy in your body. And allow the flow of good energy to begin to flow once again.


Reiki is the practice of energy healing. The practitioner uses their hands (Not on the body, but hovering over) to start moving the stagnant energies located in your chakra centers that run along your spine. And the best part is, Reiki practitioners can spread the healing love remotely.


Therapy, a classic approach. Talk therapy can help you understand and clarify what you may be experiencing or thinking and help you really begin to unpack the trauma to set your mind and your body free.


Last but not least, Acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice where thin needles are inserted into very strategic areas along your body to release toxins and build up that may slow you down and prevent your health from being as great as it can be.

There you have it, folks. Six ways to begin to heal the emotional trauma that could be stored inside your body and is preventing you from whole-body wellness.

I have gone ahead and linked my chakra wellness guide down below for your viewing pleasure.

I encourage you to start today. Nothing is stopping you from being the best you in 2021!

Love yourself, love each other until next time.

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5 Ways Reiki Can Help with Negative Emotions


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