How can I create a fillable form? FREE pdf editor PDFescape

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How can I create a fillable form?

So if you're asking yourself, "How can I create a fillable form?" This awesome tool is PDF escape. I will go back to the beginning to show you from jump. It is free!

Hey, what's up, my friends. It’s me Marilyn your Astro Biz & Money Coach! I am back with another tutorial. Since I am building this course layer by layer, I decided to show you this awesome tool that allows me to put fillable workbooks into the course portal.

This saves my students money from ink and costs from printing, paper, and all of the clutter, and gives you guys options to download on your phone and fill it out right there.

How to use pdf escape, free pdf editor

Click free online. Go ahead and upload your PDF. You can create your PDF in Canva or wherever you design your PDFs, and you drop the link right in there.

This is a simple mindful money tracker. Some students do like the experience of writing it out. So having a copy at their desk makes it easy, or having this right here on their desktop to fill it out as they're moving through weekly expenses helps them keep track.

There are a bunch of different options here. You could add text, images, or add a link to any part of this document.

 I love this form field. This 'text paragraph' creates little boxes that your students and your clients can type inside of to insert their answers straight on the document.

A text box will allow text to run all the way across. I always use the ‘text paragraph’ in case there is a longer explanation. It allows your words to run down while still keeping it nice and neat. So I'll show you what I mean.

How to turn a form into a fillable form

Text box paragraph> then I am creating that little box, just like that.

And you can change the font. I always use this Veranda just because I like the way it flows. Change the size of the font. 

So the first box goes down, and then it's super simple. As you start to click away, more boxes will pop up. You will be able to drag from the little corners and adjust the height and width of these boxes. 


So, how can I create a fillable form?

You're golden once you have it set for these two columns because they're identical. You can hit the right click > duplicate, and you can start to move down as long as they are even.

There we go. I'm going to hit that many times and move it down. So I'm going to fill out this box and then show you.

I filled it out, and just like that. Boom! And say you go a little ham, and it starts making all these crazy boxes. You right-click, and you can delete the object. 

And what I have learned is, say you have a multipage document, you'll have to move to the next page in the lineup and hit the button again before you can start adding boxes to your next page.

So just know that, and make sure your settings are the same as the font and size you want. 

Extra Tools

Once you have your little boxes filled there, there are other little cool ones. Let's say, so you were doing some free-hand style. You wanted to write; you can do those things like that. There are checkboxes; you could do a single line. Say you want to a cross out. Boom. Move it all around if you're connecting something. They have circles. But I'm looking for them to be able to fill this out on their own.

So this gives me the option for my client to fill in these little boxes and be able to download this any time and do it again and again, without printing it. Saving them money. I am teaching them how to save money. So it makes sense to me.

All right. You hit this little double green arrow right there, saving your document when done. And you're golden.

I will show you what that looks like now.

This mindful money tracker is good to go. We can fill in dates, amounts, categories, and if it was a future-focused or emotional buy.

There we go. You no longer have to say “how can I create a fillable form?” You're skilled.

Thank you, everybody. I hope this was helpful, and you can help your clients or yourself save paper and money from all of the ink printing, and all of that goodness keeps us organized a little bit better. 

Have a wonderful day. I'll see you next time. 

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