May 2021: Flower Super Blood Moon in Sagittarius | Letting Go

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Full Super Blood Moon May 2021

This month we see the year's second, trilogy of super moons. We will see a third in June! May’s moon is the Flower Moon. We will also have the first eclipse of the year: a full lunar eclipse, when the moon passes through the Earth’s shadow, causing it to look red, hence the name blood moon.

This is a big one. Lots of energy coming out of this, focusing on karmic energies. The Flower Moon represents growth, prosperity, and abundance. It not only corresponds with all of the flowers in bloom, but it pushes us, humans, into growth.

The lunar eclipse hits hard in our emotions. It is asking us to let go. It is a powerful release, causing what may feel like abrupt changes.

This month's super moon, which occurs when the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit, peaks on May 26 at 4:13 a.m. PST at 5 degrees 25 minutes of Sagittarius.

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Finding Balance

The sun is opposing the moon. It asks us to find a balance to let go and move on from any toxic behavior or situations limiting our own personal freedom.

The sun and moon are also in T square to Jupiter, the ruling planet of this moon. This will bring us back to the emotional rollercoaster that you may experience.

Letting Go

All of what is coming has been in the works since last year. The energy has been building to prepare us for this powerful release.

The sign of Sagittarius and Gemini are pushing us to let go of belief systems. Gemini is the lower mind. It is more of our cognitive thinking. It leads us on the path to the decisions we have to make.

Sagittarius is the worldly view. The higher mind. It is asking us to release outdated belief systems, truths, and things that are emotionally complete.

Layers of Confusion

Square to Neptune. This aspect is bringing in a layer of confusion. Layers of “I don't know what I'm stepping into.” You can feel like you don’t have all of the details. This energy can lead to stagnation. I encourage you to trust that these changes are for your greater good. 

Jupiter is ruling this Total lunar eclipse. It is expanding on all of these things that are coming to you. Use the square energy to trust in the bigger picture. Squares can give you the motivation to see and implement the changes needed.

It’s time to lean into this shifting cycle so you can live the beautiful life you were meant to live. Welcome all of this potent energy and allow it to flow through you as you embrace the speed of it all.

May this super moon help you move through all the things that have kept you at a standstill over the last year.


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