Chiron | How He Offers Healing For Our Deepest Wounds
Chiron is the wounded warrior who will guide you to heal your own wounds. Find out more about how he affects your natal chart and how to use his wisdom to heal yourself.
May 2021: Flower Super Blood Moon in Sagittarius | Letting Go
Dive into the May super blood moon: The Flower Moon. This super moon brings us loads of energy the is asking us to release old belief systems. It is encouraging us to grow.
April 2021: Pink Super Moon in Scorpio | Transformations and Balance
Dive into the April super moon: The Pink Moon. This super moon brings us balance and transformation as we enter Taurus season.
Turning Morning Routines Into Morning Rituals | April 2021
Energy and your emotions are closely related. They go hand in hand with how you feel in your body and how reactive you are to changes around you. Reiki offers a non-invasive energy transfer that is extremely effective in emotional healing.
Ground and connect in 2021 | 20-minute guided meditation
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Me too. Let’s ground and connect. This guided meditation will help you ground your energy and connect to your intuition.