Weekly Astrology | Dreamy Pisces New Moon| Feb 28 - March 6

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.What's up!? Beautiful people! Your dose of weekly astrology insights starts right now! For those who don't know me, my name is Marilyn Gomez. I am the astrology finance coach. I teach online entrepreneurs how to align smart money management and optimize their astrology blueprint for success! As well as all of the online tech tools that go with running your online business. 


We have some magical alignments for you guys to tap into in the weekly astrology. The sun is going to sextile Uranus. 

This alignment is creativity on that next level. Guys, you can come in contact with some eccentric types of characters. Those on that next level aren't afraid to develop out-of-the-box ideas. This is an energy that is also supportive of receiving flashes of insight. The sun; that is your soul. Maybe these are soul charges coming your way. 

Uranus rules electricity. These are charges or downloads like zings or zaps of insight that are just going to pop into your brain or your body. And you are going to know, but again, remember the sexile aspect that is one of support, one that needs you to show up to activate it. 


If you are a true beginner, I highly encourage you to grab your free soul grow astrology reference guide. So you can follow along.

  • To see what's happening in your environment and immediate surrounding, check out your rising sign. 

  • To know what is happening within your career and what will you need on a soul level? This is your sun sign. 

  • How you’re going to respond this week, emotionally. Tune into your moon sign; that lets you know what could be going on internally?

  • Rising, Sun, Moon, check all three, and then check your friends!

Venus & Mars Conjoin Pluto in the weekly astrology

Another critical alignment we will experience is Venus and Mars conjunct, Pluto. Mars and Venus have been doing their dance side by side. So if we know Venus' conjunct Pluto, Mars is right next to her. 

Mars and Pluto's combo is not the best. However, Pluto is a neutral planet. Mars is a planet that brings extra heat, extra fire. So be mindful because Pluto can be obsessive and powerful, and Mars, with ambition and drive and motivation can bump heads and be way too fiery. So this is where that awareness comes in. 

Awareness and application are how you genuinely start to use weekly astrology. Be mindful of your approach, how you are showing up, and how you are responding to your business, self, mind, or surroundings. 

Venus's conjoining Pluto can bring deep obsession, jealousy, and great intimacy. Passion is deeply intense if you are on the good side of a healthy relationship. This energy can be less than favorable if you aren't feeling as good within your relationships, where manipulation and power plays can surface. 

Need a copy of your natal chart?

If you are brand new to astrology, then definitely check out this post right here. So you can identify the different parts of your natal chart, then grab your soul grow guide. You can start to discover and use astrology in practical application in the way that I learned to use it and the ways I teach it!

Ready to take a deep dive into your chart?


Get your freebie!

If you haven't downloaded your FREE Soul Grow™ Astrology reference guide. You can do so NOW by entering your email above.

Follow along with all that I'm talking about each week. Even if you are a true beginner, you will be able to come along for the ride.

Practice of astrology

You get to choose how you are showing up with this energy; a great practice is to ground yourself before you start speaking ground—especially your thought processes, Pluto rules, your psychological patterns. 

You want to ground all of that energy to steer clear from power trips, manipulations, or obsessive thoughts.

Flow with Lady Light

We are wrapping up this lunar cycle. You will feel yourself wrapping things up this week. This is the natural flow of this energy and the weekly astrology. We are in the finale. And before we make it back to the black, the dark moon, the new moon, where the cycle begins again.

This is a time when you can recognize what worked this month and what's coming forward. You also acknowledge what hasn't worked; allow yourself to let go of stuff. Cross it off your list. If it just did not work for you, cross it off your list or out of your structure altogether. If it's not positively serving you, it's not serving your larger vision or your larger picture, cross it off.

The new moon,  where we start fresh, is in the sign of Pisces. What a magical new moon at that.

Rituals for the new moon

  • Take a bath to symbolize washing away the old

  • Meditate to create stillness and gain the clarity needed

  • Journal

  • Set new intentions

AC astrology calculator

If you have yet to generate your free natal chart, check out this video right here, and you'll be able to get your free copy in a matter of minutes. By casting your natal chart, start to discover and use astrology in practical application, the way that I learned to use it, as well as the ways I teach it.

I would love to hear the comments below about your weekly astrology. How did this week turn out for you? What are you taking action on, and how can I support?

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